Snippets from the Audio Archive V – Freedom Nyamubaya and Ruth Weiss
Freedom Tichaona Nyamubaya (1958 – 2015) was a Zimbabwean freedom fighter, activist and poet. In 1975, she left what was then Rhodesia to join the Zimbabwe National Liberation Army (ZANLA) in Mozambique. She achieved the rank of Female Field Operation Commander and was elected the Secretary for Education in the first ZANU Women's League conference in 1979. After independence she worked as a rural development, gender and peace activist as well as a farmer, dancer and poet.
Ruth Weiss (*1924), who grew up in South Africa, was one of the few prolific female journalists for southern Africa during the 1960s to 1990s and reported extensively on the position of women in politics, in exile and in liberation movements. On 6th May 1982 she conducted an interview with Freedom Nyamubaya in Harare, Zimbabwe. In the extract from this conversation presented in the podcast, Nyamubaya talks about her experiences as a woman in the liberation army and on the front line.
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